

Socialmedia.js enables JavaScript SDKs and associated social media functions in web pages and apps. This library helps to replace the tedious routine of retrieving the SDK codes from developers sections, read the instructions and then having same block of code in each page of your website. The simple methods to initialize Socialmedia.js library give you complete control over what particular social media service you want to use but also ends the worries of having the SDK code duplicated in your pages which may result in unexpected errors.

From version 1.4.1, the library is rewritten completely from scratch. I also went on learning CoffeeScript for first time while rewriting the library and experience was awesome. The complete base code for the library is available at Github that also includes the development part in both CoffeeScript and JavaScript. If you may find any inconsistencies, errors or bugs – you can report them in repo’s issues. If you would like to take part in development then please use the usual Github fork and pull request methods.

I have written a detailed documentation on how to use the library and its methods associated with different social media services. To give you an idea on how easy it is to use – here is an example of using Google+ Share function.

Initialize the Google+ class and create a new instance.

var gplus = new Socialmedia.GooglePlus();

Let’s bind the Google+ Share action to a button’s click event.

// Initialize Google+ SDK
var gplus = new Socialmedia.GooglePlus();

// Get the target element in page
var gplusButton = document.querySelector('.google-plus-button');

// Attach an event handler function
function (event) {
// Prevent default event actions

// Use Share function from gplus instance of Socialmedia.GooglePlus class
link: 'http://example.com',
lang: 'ur'

The link parameter takes in any link you like to share and lang parameter sets the Google+ interface language. If you do not provide any parameters then default value for link would be current page URL and for lang it would be en (English). Since this action is now bound with button click event, this will trigger a Google+ Share dialog with relevant data. That’s all it takes to setup the Google+ Share function.

An example of Google+ Share dialog on action call

You can also try a live demo of this library by using social media sharing links at end of this page.

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