
Performance audits with GatsbyJS and Lighthouse

GatsbyJS is a great tool to create static pages. The best part is the integration of different modern technologies together e.g. NodeJS, ReactJS and GraphQL. A combination of those in GatsbyJS gives you set of powerful tools and commands that sets out a world of unlimited opportunities.

I came across this requirement of integrating performance audits on a GatsbyJS project as part of the Continuous Development(CD) and Continuous Integration(CI) pipelines. Lighthouse is without a doubt the best tool out there for such purpose.

Audits are meant to be performed on a production build to reflect more accurate results. Therefore in order to run an audit we must have a production build and being served from a server. GatsbyJS provides options to create a production build and serve it from a local server. These commands are gatsby build and gatsby serve respectively.

Normally I would have these as a combined command inside npm scripts in package.json i.e.


"scripts": {
"develop": "gatsby develop",
"build": "gatsby build",
"preview": "gatsby build && gatsby serve"


Now we can run npm run preview in terminal and it will serve the production site at http://localhost:9000. Now we can perform an audit using Chrome browser DevTools Audit tab which will produce a nice report for us.

There is an excellent guide on this at GatsbyJS docs.

However, in order to have this run in a CD/CI pipeline, we need command-line interface of lighthouse that we can install as a node module.

npm install -D lighthouse


yarn add -D lighthouse

Then we can modify our npm scripts in package.json to include following:


"scripts": {

"preview:start": "(gatsby build && (gatsby serve &))",
"preview:stop": "lsof -i tcp:9000 | awk '{print $2}' | grep \"[0-9]\" | xargs kill -9",
"audit": "lighthouse http://localhost:9000",

"perf:audit": "npm run preview:start ; (npm run audit -- --view && npm run preview:stop)"


It may already be self-explanatory but here is quick run through:

  • audit runs the lighthouse on given URL which in this case is http://localhost:9000 since GatsbyJS serves the site on port 9000.
  • preview:start is same as preview command but with some difference. It makes sure that GatsbyJS serves the site in background and does not block further commands to run.
  • preview:stop basically kills the GatsbyJS service running in the background assuming it is running on port 9000
  • perf:audit runs the combination of above commands to make a build, serve it in the background, run the lighthouse audit, opens the report in browser and kills the background service

The --view flag to lighthouse part will open the report in browser after it is ready.


GatsbyJS will try to serve on port 9000 but if some other process is already using it then it may offer another port to serve. Normally an increment by one e.g. 9001. In such a case, lighthouse may fail to run as port 9000 may not be the one serving the GatsbyJS site.

Usage in CI pipeline

Since lighthouse can generate report in different formats including JSON, it can easily be read and evaluated by CI tools. This would be useful for a website with set performance budget so that in a CI pipeline, a build will fail if it does not meet the defined minimum criteria. This is what we are trying to achieve at Rated People.


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